Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Leadership Swag

I wanted to ask my scholars advisor for feed back on my leadership style for this blog post but she was unable to meet with me before this post was due. (Actually she forgot to set the clock in her office back an hour so she thought I never showed up to see her and left, got home and realized she was home an hour earlier than she was supposed to be)

But the reason I wanted to ask her about my leadership style is because 1) she has known me since freshman year, 2) she has seen me in a variety of different roles, 3) I knew she would be critical and would give me honest feed back on what I could improve.

If I asked one of my friends for feedback, I was afraid they would sugar coat their answer and I also wasn't sure if they had seen me in a stressful situation.

I found some middle ground and asked my co-chair for Post-Mount Committee. She is a year younger than me in the Mount program and I have known her since her first year at OSU. We worked together with two other co-chairs last year on a variety of projects. Here is what she said:

Pros: analytical, innovative, positive and can relate with anyone. Always asking the question; "How can we be better", on top of things.

Cons: Get frustrated with waiting for things to happen, not very structured, not too detail orientated.

I looked forward to getting feed back on this topic because I am always trying to improve myself personally. Asking for the positive things was comforting. Asking for negative things made me feel uncomfortable because I was afraid the other person was uncomfortable because they didn't want to hurt my feelings or something. But I assured them I wouldn't take anything personally. Picking someone to give feedback was the hardest thing. I do hope to find time to ask my scholars advisor for her feedback as well.

I think this is a good idea because we all see ourselves as certain types of leaders but it's important to see what we actually are like based on the views of those we lead.

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