Sunday, September 22, 2013

Orange Blue Green Gold, ENTP

I am not surprised by either of my results for the color test or Myer's Briggs. My top color was Orange. I'm  not one to sit around at home and just watch TV or something. I feel most alive when I am either with friends, or on an "adventure". When I say adventure I mean I'm doing things such as trying new things, checking out new places or traveling, or attempting to do something so I can say I did it. Over the past three years, I would consider exploring Columbus, going to 7 or 8 different states, and trying to go into every OSU building an adventure. But of course, none of these things would be fun without the company of my friends, again emphasizing my orange.

Through my leadership roles and experiences, I have learned I hate structure. I would rather have a general idea of what needs to be done and what the lesson plan will be and just go from there. I try to delegate the task of creating time lines and structure to other people when I can. If I get stuck with that task, I most likely get frustrated and struggle with it. I consider myself more of a problem solver when those plans don't as they should.

My lowest color is gold. This makes sense because gold's like structure. However, looking at the description for gold, I realize that there are qualities there that I also have and value, just not as much as my orange qualities such as value tradition and family.

As for Myer's Briggs. I originally took the assessment my first year in Mount. I like and don't like how it is a "either this or that" test because I would say there is a lot of middle ground for most of the traits. I am an Extrovert but there are times when I enjoy my alone time. After a long day, or a stressful week, or during a time I need to reflect, I would rather be by myself. That said, I love it when I am with people. Whenever friends in high school would ask me to plan something, I would invite as many people as I could that were available. Other friends would invite a small group of us when they were planning things.

I wasn't always extroverted, more so towards 9th grade and before. Then I started getting involved in high school and that changed. I wonder what my MBT would have been had I taken it when I was younger.

When I took this test again for the second time, the only letter that changed was N to S. That means that I no longer go with my instinct but consider the options. I would say this is true for my work environment, but not my social environment when there aren't a lot of things to consider. In those instances, I just go with it.

Overall, I would say the last three letters of my MBT apply to my professional life but not to my social life. Except for the J, I hate structure regardless.

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