Monday, September 9, 2013

Social Entrepreneurs

The biggest thing that I liked about this clip was that it reminded you when you were a kid and you had your whole life in front of you to decide what you wanted to do. It seems that the older you get, the smaller your potential becomes. Think about what your reaction would be to both a 1st year and 4th year in college that would say to you "I think I want to change my major."

I would argue that it might be too late to do what you want. Maybe you are too far down a specific career path. The older you get, the more apparent your strengths become. I believe that playing to your strengths will lead to success and fixing your weaknesses will only prevent failure, a belief of the Strengths Finder program made by Gallup. Trying to fix your weakness is a inefficient use of your time, time you could use to play to your strengths.

I would say that even if it is too late to follow what you might want to do or change or help, you can use the strengths you have developed to still help in a different capacity.

For example- I wanted to be a zoo keeper when  I was younger because I loved animals. When I got a little older, I wanted to be a doctor because I wanted to help people. In college I realized I don't like to be in hospitals and I have a talent working with people. That is why I decided to pursue a career in business. Finance is something I consider to be my strength, and I can use that strength to still pursue my dreams of helping animals or people. While it's too late for me to change my major to health sciences, I want to work for a health care company like Johnson and Johnson. I want to help a company that helps others.

So while I can not pursue my original dreams, I can use my current abilities to still support why I had those dreams by using my strength and looking for opportunities. This will be the most effective way to use my life time.

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